Player Profile – #π – Geoff “The Rookie”

During the first two years of Tapey Beercone’s history, known as the first season, only the six founding regents played the sport. But this all changed in season 2, when Geoff become the game’s first rookie, hence the nickname.

Geoff legging out a single.

Geoff’s short history with Tapey Beercone lives in infamy. In this first appearance he swung a decent bat, but attempted to pitch and gave up the first, and to date only, Grand Salami when Chris “The Dragon” took a beercone and deposited it into the ditch in center field at Mad River Cathedral.

Then in his only other game played, Geoff, still and forever “The Rookie”, struck out in every plate appearance he made, and only managed to redeem himself slightly by swigging his way to a 1.83 BPI for the game.

One can only hope that “The Rookie” will one day learn how to effectively play the game, and in the process maybe earn a different nickname…

Season 5 Update:

“The Rookie”, pitching in Iceland.

And in Season 5 that process has begun, for Geoff again appeared in Tapey Beercone play. First, at the game’s ground breaking international showcase, and then at the 3rd Annual Tapey Beercone Open Game. He has swung a decent bat and played well. A new nickname could be around the corner.

True to form “The Rookie” can be seen getting his drinking started immediately as the Open Game kicks off.

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