Anarchy Canyon

Anarchy Canyon at Pinnacles National Park was the site for Tapey Beercone’s 10th Anniversary Celebration over Beerpope Day Weekend in 2019. The field was tucked into group campsite #130 with site #129 taking up the deep left outfield and the campsite road cutting across right field. The campsites are covered in compact decomposed granite which made for an excellent playing surface, offer both good traction to runners and little resistant to rolling beercones. These factors made Anarchy Canyon play as a very offensive friendly venue.

The view from homeplate.

Anarchy Canyon gets its name from the events involved in it’s creation. During the Beerpope Weekend trip, owing to a lapse of local government, Anarchy Canyon and the surrounding Pinnacles National Park were made a sovereign protectorate under of the Buckos Nation. The region thrived under the safeguard of the Buckos, however upon leaving the region at the conclusion of the trip, an Avian Communo-Theocratic Insurgency rose up to conquer the region. For this reason, Anarchy Canyon is now considered contested territory.

Field Name
Anarchy Canyon
LocationPinnacles National Park
CountySan Benito
Elevation1027 ft
Play Area Angle75°
Grand Salami ZoneMetal Fire Pit
Grand Salamis HitNone
Infield SurfaceCompact Decomposed Granite
Outfield SurfaceCompact Decomposed Granite
Outfield ObstaclesA campsite road with wooden ties, camping tables and bushes.
Beer Pope CoronationsPope Master I - 1/19/2019
Inception Date1/19/2019
Total Regents to Play at the Field6
Largest CrowdRanger "Steely" Dan Gato, and a bunch of campers and boy scouts.

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