6 for 6: It Started With a Pinecone

Series One of 6 for 6 comes to its conclusion with the Nation’s Origin Story

It Started with a Pinecone, Every nation has their Legends. This is Our’s

In the beginning, lunch was long and boring. The spirit of competition lay dormant in the hearts of those who ached for sport. Neither soccer balls, nor idle conversation would sate them. Then the spark. Swinging a fallen branch as a bat. Someone pitched a pinecone. A hit, a hastily designed field, and the game was born. It was an age of discovery. Crush the pinecone to curb excessive pineyness, and find a place to hide the bat. An age of invention. The Grand Salami, the split ball double, and the testicle amendment. Discovery and invention created sport and fanned the flames of friendship.
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From the Annals: Musing on Award Recipients from the Early Seasons

Recently, the Commissioner’s Office of Tapey Beercone has Announced New Procedures for conferring Awards for the soon to be concluded Season 5. This continues a tradition begun in Season 3 to end the season by highlighting some of the Sport’s most outstanding players and performances. No such tradition existed prior to that point in the Sport’s history. In fact, the concept of seasons within the Sport of Tapey Beercone was not fully formulated until Season 3, leading Season 1 and 2 to be lumped together as the “Early Seasons” Still, this begs the question: Had awards been handed out in those earliest of seasons, who would they have been given to and why?
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Stat Chug: The Statistical Anatomy of the Rooster-Dragon

Stat Chug: A specially brewed stats based draft.

The Statistical Anatomy of the Rooster-Dragon: Dissecting the Dichotomous Nature of One of Tapey Beercone’s Most Intriguing Players

When last we left off here at Stat Chug, this author presented a graph depicting the batting characteristics of the Regular Players of Tapey Beercone as they compared to average. This showed that no player compared close to average, with the possibility of one exception. Here’s what that graph looked like:

Recurring Players Compared to Average on Four Metrics

The one player close to average was Chris “The Rooster”/”The Dragon”. But as we will find, on closer inspection Chris is anything but average.
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6 for 6: Breakdown

Breakdown, The Improbable Rise and Fall of The Master.

I’ve tried to write this story a half-dozen times, in as many different ways. I tried to craft a “Brian and the Boz” style comparison piece in one version, and attempted to create our own “This is Spinal Tap” in another. This tale manages to break out of every box I attempt to put it in, and I suppose that’s appropriate for the subject matter. The “Breakdown” in question is about more than a single player, it is about the game as a whole. This story is about Tapey Beercone going beyond what we expected for the first time. It is about the shattering of our understanding of our roles in the continuing life of this game. This is our Heroic Epic, our Odyssey, our Gilgamesh. Herein, I tell the tale of “The Master”. His Rise, his fall, and how he changed the game forever.
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Photos from the Original Ranch Series

The Original Series. Where the sport was born out of drunken inspiration. Very little documentation remains from that exciting series of games that got us all hooked on playing baseball with beer cans and an axe handle in the frigid cold, but what does can be seen here.

Below you can view photos from the album or head directly to the album.

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