Tapey Beercone has been played in Oregon since 2011 when a game was held at Hydrocline Beach. But in 2014, when Founding Regent “The Hammer” moved to Oregon, the sport established a permanent presence in the state. To celebrate this fact and to promote Tapey Beercone in the Beaver State the Oregon Invitational was created. The exclusive game is Tapey Beercone at its finest, featuring small games on quirky fields with a little bit of Oregon’s wet weather charm mixed in.
Past Events:
1st Annual Oregon Tapey Beercone Invitational held at Willamette Flats in 2014.
2nd Annual Oregon Tapey Beercone Invitational held at ‘Lectric Acres in 2015.
3rd Annual Oregon Tapey Beercone Invitational held at ‘Lectric Acres in 2016. (A Double Header!)
4th Annual Oregon Tapey Beercone Invitational held at “Not Swampy” Slope Field 1 in 2017.
5th Annual Oregon Tapey Beercone Invitational held at “Not Swampy” Slope Field 2 in 2018. (A Double Header!) with 4 Awards Bestowed
6th Annual Oregon Tapey Beercone Invitational held at Pastoral Nest in 2019.
7th Annual Oregon Tapey Beercone Invitational – Pandemic Edition held at Volcanoes Stadium in 2020.
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