Tapey Beercone Mobilizes the Beercone Blizzard Busters

In a stunning turn of events, a series of major winter storms have forced the suspension of the Tapey Beercone (TBC) season. The series of blizzards that swept through the Northern California coast over the past few months left beercone fields and beercomplexes buried under several feet of snow, downed thousand of trees and powerlines closing roads and highways, and made mountain passes inaccessible making it impossible to play any Tapey Beercone games.

This lead to the indefinite suspension of the Beerpope Day Tapey Beercone series and has led to speculation that the remainder of Season 7 of Tapey Beercone could be cancelled.
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CCC TBC Rotisserie League 2nd Mid Season Beerpope Trade Window

As announced by the Commissioners back in November, while a new year is upon us, Season 6 will continue for an additional year. And for the Chris Curtis Commemorative Tapey Beercone Rotisserie League this means a 2nd Beerpope Trade Window! This gives each team another opportunity to swap out one of their players for a free agent, or for two teams to come together for a trade. Or, if a team feels confident enough in their roster, they can also choose to stand pat. As before the waiver order will proceed in the reserve of the current standings which is as follows: Continue reading “CCC TBC Rotisserie League 2nd Mid Season Beerpope Trade Window”

Condensed Game Video from the Game 1 of the 2020 Beerpope Day Weekend Series – The Greatest Game (Mostly Played)

Embedded below is a condensed game video highlight from the exciting 2020 Beerpope Day Weekend series held this past January at The Ranch. This was an epic and grueling contest, which included exciting plays, elite athletic performances, and multiple chippy arguments. While only four innings long it lasted deep into the darkness, and the question remains, did it ever really end?
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Photos from Beerpope Day Weekend 2020 at The Ranch

The Buckos celebrated Beerpope Day Weekend at The Ranch, during an epic snowed in trip. An exciting two game series took place at Sun Wet (and partially snow covered) New Gordon Field which included many stalwart players, as well as the Sports original rookie.

Below you can view photos from the album or head directly to the album.

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CCC TBC Rotisserie League Update & Mid Season Beerpope Trade Window

In any fantasy sports draft mistakes are made. The same was certainly true in the Chris Curtis Commemorative Tapey Beercone Rotisserie League. Knowing this, the crafters of the league provided an out. The mid-season Beerpope Trade Window! Between New Years Day and Beer Pope Day Weekend each team would have the opportunity to swap up to one rostered player for a free agent, or two teams could agree to swap players.

With the ending of the decade, the window is here, and with updates from the most recent game the waiver order can be determined by reversing the current standing. Those standings are shown below: Continue reading “CCC TBC Rotisserie League Update & Mid Season Beerpope Trade Window”

Buckos Nation After Action Report

On Beerpope Weekend 2019 the Buckos Nation engaged in prolonged hostilities with a flock of big mean turkeys. This is that story.

Initial Contact:
Arriving early Friday afternoon, Hammer and Coach established a beachhead and command center for the weekend’s coming exercise. Contact was established with the locals, Park Ranger “Steely” Dan Gato, and the Nice lady who ran the store. Seeing as the park was left completely unprotected and was likely to fall to communism at any second, the two commissioners took it upon themselves to offer the protection of the mighty Buckos Nation. Continue reading “Buckos Nation After Action Report”

Photos from Beerpope Day Weekend 2018 at The Ranch

The Second half of Season 5 kicked off with a bang, and the Buckos celebrated Beerpope Day Weekend at The Ranch. An exciting two game series took place at Sun Wet New Gordon Field which included many stalwart players, a returning legend, as well as Season 5’s first rookie.

Below you can view photos from the album or head directly to the album.

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